- arrive :reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress
- She arrived home at 7 o'clock ሰዓት 7 ኣብ ገዛ በጽሐት
- She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight ክሳብ ድሕሪ ፍርቂ ለይቲ ናብ ቺካጎ ኣይበጽሐትን
- arrive :succeed in a big way; get to the top
- After he published his book, he had arrived መጽሓፉ ምስ ኣሕተመ መጺኡ ነይሩ
- I don't know whether I can make it in science! ብሳይንስ ክሰርሖ ይኽእል ድዩ ኣይክእልን ኣይፈልጥን!
- You will go far, my boy! ርሑቕ ክትከይድ ኢኻ ወደይ!
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