- brand :a recognizable kind
- there's a new brand of hero in the movies now ሕጂ ኣብ ፊልምታት ሓድሽ ምልክት ጅግና ኣሎ
- what make of car is that? what make of car is that?
- brand :to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
- He denounced the government action ነቲ ናይ መንግስቲ ስጉምቲ ኮኒኑ
- She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock ካብ ሓዳር ወጻኢ ቆልዓ ስለዝወለደት ብሕብረተሰብ ጸለመ ተገይሩላ
- brand :mark with a brand or trademark
- when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price እዚ ፍርያት ምልክት ኣብ ዘይብሉ እዋን ብዝተሓተ ዋጋ ይሽየጥ
- brand :mark or expose as infamous
- She was branded a loose woman ልሕሉሕ ሰበይቲ ዝብል ምልክት ተዋሂብዋ
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