- curve :turn sharply; change direction abruptly
- The car cut to the left at the intersection መኪና ኣብቲ መስቀላዊ መንገዲ ንጸጋም ቆሪጻ
- The motorbike veered to the right እታ ሞተር ብሽክለታ ናብ የማን ተጠውያ
- curve :extend in curves and turns
- The road winds around the lake እቲ መንገዲ ኣብ ዙርያ እቲ ቀላይ ይነፍስ
- the path twisted through the forest እቲ መንገዲ ብጫካ ተጠውዩ።
- curve :form an arch or curve
- her back arches ሕቖኣ ቅስትታት
- her hips curve nicely ጭሕማ ጽቡቕ ጌሩ ይጠውይ
- curve :bend or cause to bend
- He crooked his index finger ኣመልካቲ ኣጻብዕቱ ጠውዩ
- the road curved sharply እቲ ጽርግያ ብሓያል መንገዲ ተጠውየ
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