- doom :an unpleasant or disastrous destiny
- everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it ኩሉ ሰብ ነቲ ዝቐረበ ጥፍኣት ይፈልጥ ነይሩ ግን ካብኡ ንምውጋድ ረዳኢ ኣይነበሮን
- that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world እዚ ዘሕዝን እዩ ግን መወዳእታ ዓለም ኣይኮነን።
- doom :decree or designate beforehand
- She was destined to become a great pianist ዓባይ ፒያኒስት ክትከውን ዕጫኣ እዩ ነይሩ።
- doom :pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law
- He was condemned to ten years in prison ንዓሰርተ ዓመት ክእሰር ተፈረደ
- doom :make certain of the failure or destruction of
- This decision will doom me to lose my position እዚ ውሳነ እዚ መርገጺይ ንኽስእን ክፈርደኒ እዩ።
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