15ጽባቐኣዊ xbaq̈e'awi
- esthetic :(philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful
- he despised the esthetic of minimalism ነቲ ስነ-ጽባቐ ምናልባሽነት ይንዕቖ
- esthetic :concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
- the aesthetic faculties the aesthetic faculties
- an aesthetic person an aesthetic person
- aesthetic feeling aesthetic feeling
- the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success እቶም ስእልታት ነታ መጽሓፍ ስነ-ጽባቐዊ ዕዉት ገይሮምዋ
- esthetic :relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics
- aesthetic values ስነ-ጽባቐዊ ክብርታት
- esthetic :aesthetically pleasing
- an artistic flower arrangement ስነ-ጥበባዊ ስርሓት ዕምባባ
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