- failure :an act that fails
- his failure to pass the test ነቲ ፈተና ዘይምሕላፉ
- failure :an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose
- the surprise party was a complete failure እቲ ሰርፕራይዝ ፓርቲ ፍጹም ውድቀት እዩ ነይሩ።
- failure :lack of success
- he felt that his entire life had been a failure ምሉእ ህይወቱ ውድቀት ኮይኑ ተሰምዖ
- that year there was a crop failure ኣብታ ዓመት እቲኣ ውድቀት ዝራእቲ ኣጋጢሙ
- failure :an unexpected omission
- he resented my failure to return his call ንሱ ጻውዒቱ ዘይምምላስይ ተቖጢዑ
- the mechanic's failure to check the brakes እቲ መካኒክ ፍሬኖ ምፍታሽ ዘይምኽኣሉ።
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