English - Tigrinya


  • get :come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
    • She got a lot of paintings from her uncle ካብ ኣኮኣ ብዙሕ ስእልታት ረኺባ
    • They acquired a new pet ሓድሽ እንስሳ ዘቤት ኣጥሪዮም
    • Get your results the next day ንጽባሒቱ ውጽኢትካ ውሰድ
    • Get permission to take a few days off from work ካብ ስራሕ ንገለ መዓልታት ዕረፍቲ ክትወስድ ፍቓድ ውሰድ

    • get :enter or assume a certain state or condition
      • He became annoyed when he heard the bad news ሕማቕ ዜና ምስ ሰምዐ ተበሳጨወ
      • It must be getting more serious ዝያዳ ዕቱብ ይኸውን ኣሎ
      • her face went red with anger ገጻ ብሕርቃን ቀይሑ
      • She went into ecstasy ኣብ ፍስሃ ኣተወት
      • Get going! ኪድ!

      • get :cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition
        • He got his squad on the ball ንጋንታኡ ኣብ ኩዕሶ ኣእትዩ
        • This let me in for a big surprise እዚ ንዓቢ ስግንጢር ኣእትዩኒ
        • He got a girl into trouble ሓንቲ ጓል ኣብ ጸገም ኣእትዩዋ

        • get :receive a specified treatment (abstract)
          • These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation እዞም መዳያት ስልጣነ መግለጺ ኣይረኽቡን ወይ ትርጉም ኣይረኽቡን
          • His movie received a good review ፊልሙኡ ጽቡቕ ክለሳ ረኺቡ
          • I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions ብሰናይ ዕላማይ ብዘይካ ሽግር ካልእ ኣይረኸብኩን።

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