English - Tigrinya


  • hope :a specific instance of feeling hopeful
    • it revived their hope of winning the pennant ነቲ ባንዴራ ናይ ምዕዋት ተስፋኦም ዳግማይ ኣበራቢርዎ።

    • hope :expect and wish
      • I trust you will behave better from now on ካብ ሕጂ ንደሓር ዝሓሸ ባህሪ ከም እትህልወካ እምነት ኣለኒ
      • I hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise ተስፋ እገብር ወሰኽ ክትጽበ ከም ዘይትኽእል ክትርዳእ

      • hope :the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
        • in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope ዋላ እኳ ሽግር እንተነበሮ ተስፋ ቆሪጹ ኣይፈልጥን።

        • hope :be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes
          • I am still hoping that all will turn out well ሕጂ ውን ኩሉ ጽቡቕ ክኸውን ተስፋ እገብር ኣለኹ

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