- inhibit :prohibit, forbid, or prevent from doing something
- Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs ኣብ መንጎ መንእሰያት ዝነበረ ርክብ ብጽኑዕ ማሕበራዊ ልምድታት ተዓጊቱ
- inhibit :limit, block, or decrease the action or function of
- inhibit the action of the enzyme ንተግባር ናይቲ ኢንዛይም ይዓግት
- inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction ንፍጥነት ናይ ሓደ ኬሚካላዊ ምላሽ ይዓግት።
- inhibit :consciously restrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior
- suppress a smile suppress a smile
- he let his anger bottle up until he exploded ክሳብ ዝፍንጀር ጥርሙዝ ሕርቃኑ ንላዕሊ ገደፎ
- inhibit :make (someone) self-conscious and as a result unable to act naturally
- his father's cold and distant demeanor inhibited him emotionally ዝሑልን ርሑቕን ኣካይዳ ኣቡኡ ብስምዒት ዓጊትዎ።
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