English - Tigrinya


  • interrupt :make a break in
    • We interrupt the program for the following messages ነዚ ዝስዕብ መልእኽትታት መደብና ነቋርጾ

    • interrupt :destroy the peace or tranquility of
      • Don't interrupt me when I'm reading ከንብብ ከለኹ ኣይትቋረጹኒ።

      • interrupt :interfere in someone else's activity
        • Please don't interrupt me while I'm on the phone በጃኹም ኣብ ቴለፎን እናሃለኹ ኣቋሪጽኩምኒ ኣይተቋርጹኒ።

        • interrupt :terminate
          • She interrupted her pregnancy ጥንሳ ኣቋሪጻ
          • break a lucky streak ዕድለኛ መስመር ክትሰብር
          • break the cycle of poverty ዑደት ድኽነት ክትሰብር

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