29ምድንጓይ mdngWay
15ድንጉይ dnguy
13ኣጋ መወዳእታ 'aga meweda'èta
9ኣብ ቀረባ ዝነበረ ቅድሚ ቅሩብ 'ab qereba znebere qdmi qrub
- late :being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time
- late evening ምሸት ምሸት
- late 18th century መወዳእታ መበል 18 ክፍለ ዘመን
- a late movie ደንጉዩ ዝመጸ ፊልም
- took a late flight ደንጉዩ በረራ ወሲዱ
- had a late breakfast ደንጉዩ ቁርሲ በሊዑ
- late :later than usual or than expected
- the train arrived late ባቡር ደንጉያ መጺኣ
- we awoke late ደንጉና ኢና ተበራቢርና
- the children came late to school ቆልዑ ደንጉዮም ናብ ቤት ትምህርቲ መጺኦም
- notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline መተሓሳሰቢ ኣዝዩ ደንጉዩ ስለ ዝመጸ ዳርጋ ነቲ ናይ መወዳእታ ግዜ ኣምሊጥናዮ
- I belatedly wished her a happy birthday ኣነ ደንጉየ ርሑስ ልደት ተመነኹላ
- late :after the expected or usual time; delayed
- a belated birthday card a belated birthday card
- I'm late for the plane ነፋሪት ደንጉየ ኣለኹ
- the train is late ባቡር ደንጉያ
- tardy children are sent to the principal ደንጉዮም ቆልዑ ናብ ርእሰ መምህር ይለኣኹ
- always tardy in making dental appointments ኩሉ ግዜ ቆጸራ ስኒ ኣብ ምግባር ደንጉዮም
- late :to an advanced time
- deep into the night deep into the night
- talked late into the evening ክሳብ ምሸት ይዛረብ ነበረ።
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