- lead :an advantage held by a competitor in a race
- he took the lead at the last turn ኣብ መወዳእታ ዙርያ መሪሕነት ሒዙ
- lead :take somebody somewhere
- We lead him to our chief ናብ ሓለቓና ንመርሖ
- can you take me to the main entrance? ናብቲ ቀንዲ መእተዊ ክትወስደኒ ትኽእል ዲኻ?
- He conducted us to the palace ናብ ቤተ መንግስቲ መሪሑና።
- lead :a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey
- the children were playing with lead soldiers እቶም ቆልዑ ምስ መሪሕ ወተሃደራት ይጻወቱ ነበሩ
- lead :produce as a result or residue
- The water left a mark on the silk dress እቲ ማይ ኣብቲ ናይ ስልክ ክዳን ምልክት ገዲፉ
- Her blood left a stain on the napkin ደማ ኣብቲ ናፕኪን ርስሓት ገዲፉ
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