- plane :an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets
- the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane እቲ በረራ ብሰንኪ ኣብታ ነፋሪት ዝነበረ ጸገም ተደናጒዩ።
- plane :cut or remove with or as if with a plane
- The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood እታ ማሽን ካብቲ ዕንጨይቲ ረቂቕ ንጣብ ትላጽዮ ነበረት።
- plane :having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another
- a flat desk ጸፍሒ ጠረጴዛ
- acres of level farmland ኤከር ዝስፍሓቱ ልሙዕ መሬት ሕርሻ
- a plane surface ናይ ነፋሪት ገጽ
- skirts sewn with fine flat seams ብደቂቕ ጸፍሒ ስፌት ዝተሰፍየ ስረ
- plane :(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
- we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane ነቲ ነፋሪት ናይቲ ግራፍ ከም XY ነፋሪት ክንውከሶ ኢና
- any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane ዝኾነ ኣብ ነፋሪት ክልተ ነጥብታት ዝጽንብር መስመር ምሉእ ብምሉእ ኣብቲ ነፋሪት እዩ ዝድቅስ
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