17ኣቀራርባ 'aqerarba
16ዝቐረበ ነገር ቅራብ zq̈erebe neger qrab
15ምቕራብ mq̈rab
-2ህያብ hyab
- presentation :the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward)
- she gave the trophy but he made the presentation ንሳ ዋንጫ ሂባ ንሱ ግን ኣቀራርባ ገይሩ
- presentation :a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view
- the presentation of new data እቲ ኣቀራርባ ሓድሽ ዳታ
- he gave the customer a demonstration ንዓሚል መርኣያ ሂብዎ።
- presentation :the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it
- he prepared his presentation carefully in advance ኣቀራርባኡ ኣቐዲሙ ብጥንቃቐ ኣዳልዎ።
- presentation :(obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal
- Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations መጥባሕቲ ሓደ ሓደ ግዜ ውጽኢት ዘይንቡር ኣቀራርባ እዩ።
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