- rather :on the contrary
- rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left ኣብ ክንዲ ነቶም ቆልዑ ተስፋ ዘቑርጽ ቅድሚ ምኻዱ ክልተ ቅልጡፋት ተንኮላት ገይሩ
- he didn't call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter ኣይደወለን፤ rather (or instead)፡ ደብዳቤ ጽሒፉላ
- used English terms instead of Latin ones ኣብ ክንዲ ናይ ላቲን ቃላት እንግሊዝኛ ይጥቀም
- rather :to some (great or small) extent
- it was rather cold ቁሩብ ቁሪ እዩ ነይሩ
- the party was rather nice እቲ ድግስ ምናልባት ደስ ዝብል እዩ ነይሩ
- the knife is rather dull እቲ ካራ ምናልባት ድኹም እዩ
- I rather regret that I cannot attend ኣነ ክሳተፍ ዘይምኽኣለይ ይሕሸኒ
- He's rather good at playing the cello ንሱ ምናልባት ኣብ ምጽዋት ሴሎ ንፉዕ እዩ
- he is kind of shy ንሱ ብዓይነት ሓፋር እዩ።
- rather :more readily or willingly
- clean it well, preferably with warm water ጽቡቕ ጌርካ ኣጽርዮ፡ ብውዑይ ማይ እንተተኻኢሉ
- I'd rather be in Philadelphia ኣብ ፊላደልፍያ ክኸውን ይሕሸኒ
- I'd sooner die than give up ካብ ተስፋ ምቑራጽ ቀልጢፈ ክመውት እየ
- rather :to a degree (not used with a negative)
- quite tasty quite tasty
- quite soon quite soon
- quite ill quite ill
- quite rich quite rich
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