- recognition :the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged
- the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work እቶም መሻርኽቲ ብኣፍልጦ ስርሖም ተሓጒሶም
- she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own ቅድሚ ናታ ስራሕ ኣፍልጦ ወይ ኣፍልጦ ምሃብ ኣንስታዊ ስራሕ ብዙሕ ትርሕቕ ትመስል
- recognition :the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering
- a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces ሓደ ፖለቲከኛ ምዝካር ኣስማት ከምቲ ንገጻት ምልላይ ዘደንቕ ዝነበረ
- experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer ፈተነ ስነ-ኣእምሮኣውያን ካብ ምጅማር እቲ ምልዕዓል ክሳብ ብተዓዛቢ ምልላይ ዝሓለፈ ግዜ ይዕቅኑ
- recognition :approval
- give her recognition for trying ስለ ዝፈተነት ኣፍልጦ ሃባ
- he was given credit for his work ንሱ ብስርሑ ክብሪ ተዋሂብዎ
- give her credit for trying ፈቲና ክብሪ ይሃባ
- recognition :coming to understand something clearly and distinctly
- a growing realization of the risk involved a growing realization of the risk involved
- a sudden recognition of the problem he faced ሃንደበታዊ ምልላይ ናይቲ ዘጋጠሞ ጸገም
- increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases ሕማም ሽኮር ብተደጋጋሚ ምስ ካልኦት ሕዱር ሕማማት ብሓባር ከም ዝነብር ምፍላጥ
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