English - Tigrinya


  • retard :cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate
    • This drug will retard your heart rate እዚ መድሃኒት እዚ ንህርመት ልብኻ ከደናጉዮ እዩ።

    • retard :slow the growth or development of
      • The brain damage will retard the child's language development እቲ ናይ ሓንጎል ጉድኣት ንዕብየት ቋንቋ ናይቲ ህጻን ከደናጉዮ እዩ።

      • retard :lose velocity; move more slowly
        • The car decelerated እታ መኪና ፍጥነታ ኣጉደለት

        • retard :a person of subnormal intelligence

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