30ተኣፋፊ ምዃን
- sensitiveness :(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation
- sensitivity to pain ንቃንዛ ተነቃፍነት
- sensitiveness :the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences
- a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity
- the sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth ተሃዋስነት ቆጽሊ ሚሞሳ ኣብ ለውጢ ዕብየት ኣይምርኮስን እዩ።
- sensitiveness :sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
- sensitiveness :the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
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