16ቄናን ሕንጻጽ qeenan ḧnxax
15ሰያፍ seyaf
14ዓቐብ ወይ ቁልቁለት 'äq̈eb wey qulqulet
12ኣንቍልቈለ ቀነነ 'anqulqWele qenene
- slope :an elevated geological formation
- he climbed the steep slope ናብቲ ቁልቁል ዝኣፉ ቁልቁለት ደየበ
- the house was built on the side of a mountain እቲ ገዛ ኣብ ጎኒ እምባ እዩ ተሃኒጹ
- slope :be at an angle
- The terrain sloped down እቲ መሬት ንታሕቲ ሸተት ኢሉ
- slope :the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal
- a five-degree gradient ሓሙሽተ ዲግሪ ዝዓቐኑ ምዕባለ
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