- sway :move back and forth or sideways
- the ship was rocking እታ መርከብ ትናወጽ ነበረት
- the tall building swayed እቲ ነዊሕ ህንጻ ትወዛወዝ ነበረ
- She rocked back and forth on her feet ብእግራ ንቕድሚትን ንድሕሪትን ተንቀጥቀጠት።
- sway :move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner
- He swung back ንሱ ድማ ንድሕሪት ሸንኮለል በለ
- sway :win approval or support for
- Carry all before one Carry all before one
- His speech did not sway the voters መደረኡ ንመራጽቲ ኣይወዛወዘን
- sway :cause to move back and forth
- rock the cradle rock the cradle
- rock the baby rock the baby
- the wind swayed the trees gently ንፋስ ነቶም ኣግራብ ቀስ ኢሉ ኣንቀጥቀጦም
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