English - Tigrinya


  • twist :an unforeseen development
    • events suddenly took an awkward turn ፍጻመታት ሃንደበት ጽዩፍ መልክዕ ሒዙ

    • twist :to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling)
      • The prisoner writhed in discomfort እቲ እሱር ብዘይምቾት ተጠውየ
      • The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace እቲ ቆልዓ ካብ ሕቑፊ ሓፍቱ ሓራ ክሽክርከር ፈተነ

      • twist :an interpretation of a text or action
        • they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct ኣብ ኣካይዳኡ ዘይርህሩህ ህንጸት ኣንቢሮምሉ።

        • twist :cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form
          • bend the rod በትሪ ጠውዮ
          • twist the dough into a braid ነቲ ጣፍ ናብ ጅማት ይጠውዮ
          • the strong man could turn an iron bar እቲ ሓያል ሰብኣይ ንሓጺን ሓጺን ክቕይር ይኽእል ነይሩ።

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