English - Tigrinya


  • whole :all of something including all its component elements or parts
    • Europe considered as a whole ኤውሮጳ ብሓፈሻ
    • the whole of American literature ንምሉእ ስነ-ጽሑፍ ኣመሪካ ትቖጽሮ

    • whole :including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete
      • gave his whole attention ምሉእ ኣቓልቦኡ ሂቡ
      • a whole wardrobe for the tropics ሙሉእ ዋርድሮብ ንትሮፒካዊ ከባቢታት
      • the whole hog ምሉእ ሓሰማ
      • a whole week ሰሙን ምሉእ
      • the baby cried the whole trip home እቲ ህጻን ምሉእ ጉዕዞ ናብ ገዝኡ በኸየ
      • a whole loaf of bread ምሉእ እንጀራ

      • whole :to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')
        • he was wholly convinced ምሉእ ብምሉእ ኣሚኑ
        • entirely satisfied with the meal ምሉእ ብምሉእ በቲ መግቢ ዕጉብ ነይሩ
        • it was completely different from what we expected ካብቲ ዝሓሰብናዮ ፍጹም ዝተፈልየ እዩ ነይሩ
        • was completely at fault ፍጹም ጌጋ እዩ ነይሩ
        • a totally new situation ፍጹም ሓድሽ ኩነታት
        • the directions were all wrong ኣንፈታት ኩሉ ጌጋ እዩ ነይሩ
        • it was not altogether her fault ፍጹም ናታ ጌጋ ኣይነበረን
        • an altogether new approach ፍጹም ሓድሽ ኣቀራርባ
        • a whole new idea ምሉእ እዩ። ሓድሽ ሓሳብ
        • she felt right at home ልክዕ ኣብ ገዛ ኮይኑ ተሰሚዕዋ
        • he fell right into the trap ትኽክል ኣብ መጻወድያ ወዲቑ

        • whole :an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
          • how big is that part compared to the whole? እቲ ክፋል ምስቲ ምሉእ ክነጻጸር ከሎ ክንደይ ዓቢ እዩ?
          • the team is a unit እታ ጋንታ ኣሃዱ እያ።

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